Saturday, September 15, 2012

Warsaw, Poland: A Quick Tour of the Old Town

I am now in Tbilisi, Georgia!

TLG (Teach and Learn with Georgia) has been a great host so far and I am enjoying the hotel that will be home for the next 7 or so days.
Part of the deal with this program are that the tickets are provided.  So, with the price being so right, it was hard to complain too much about the two 12-hour layovers.

The 12 hours in JFK were uneventful.  However, the 12 hours in Warsaw were fantastic.  I was able to meet up with two other TLG volunteers and get right into the heart of the city. We took bus 175 for 3,60 (~$1.50) to go to the Central Train Station and use the lockers to hold our bags (good thing, too! Talk about heavy!)

As we were walking toward the Old Town, we started to see some more ornate buildings:

Presidential palace:

Here's a statue of a bear.  He is apparently a shy prince, who was somehow changed into a stone bear and is waiting for a kiss from a woman who truly loves him.  I gave him a peck and no luck.  Sorry, bear!

The two other TLG volunteers, Judith and Justin:

One of the squares in the Old Town: 

One of the emblems of the city, a battle ready mermaid! The story behind it is, 

     "a mermaid swimming in from the sea stopped on the riverbank near Old Town to rest.  She found it so admirable that she decided to stay. Local fisherman living nearby noticed that something was creating waves, tangling the nets, and releasing their fish.  Although their original intention was to trap the offender, they fell in love with the mermaid upon hearing her sing. Later, a rich merchant trapped the siren and imprisoned her in a wooden hut.  A young fisherman heard the mermaid's cry and with the help of his mates, released her, whereupon she declared her readiness to offer fisherman her help whenever it would be needed.  Ever since, the mermaid, armed with sword and shield, has been ready to help protect the city and its residents."

After all the wondering, we were hungry.  We saw the sign, opened up our eyes, and saw this sign:

Polish homebrew:

Meat peirogies, delicious!

And on our way back to the airport, here's a building from Stalin's Soviet era. 

Poland (Country #20).  I'll be back to visit Krakow and see some more of this interesting country.




  1. It looks so wonderful!! Can't wait to hear more! (PS this is Angie :) )

  2. The pic of you and the bear is so jet lagged, *cough*, I mean beautiful!

