Friday, September 28, 2012

To the Center of the Earth!

Here are the photos to go with my first excursion into the Georgian countryside in and around Kutaisi!

The 12th graders and some of the teachers preparing to descend into the depths of the Prometheus Cave.  It's 1,2 km long and we got to a depth of 80 m.  There's also an undergroundriver flowing through it that will take tourist through the cave complex later on.

After the cave, we were herded back onto the bus and were off the Sataplia (the Land of Honey) Nature Reserve, where you can see dinosaur footprints!

>>Side note:  The reason that this place is called the Land of Honey is because of all the bees. And, not just any kind of bees, but MOUNTAIN bees.  They make their hives in the sides of the mountains.  These bees are rustic and manly and their hobbies are wearing flannel and growing facial hair.^^

At the lookout point in Sataplia! (Look, Ma, no ground!)

The last stop on the trip was to Bagrati Cathedral in Kutaisi.  It was built in 1003 by Bagrati III.  It stood intact until 1692, when a Turkish explosion demolished the dome and the ceiling.  It has since been rebuilt using as much of the former catherdral as possible.


  1. Good to see the pictures. What a deep blue sky you had , beautiful!

  2. The picture at the lookout point spooked the shit outta me til I realized you were standing on (what had better be unbreakable!) glass. Love the pictures and bees!

