Sunday, September 16, 2012

First day in Tbilisi!

So, after nearly 2 full days off travel, I made it to Tbilisi.  The rest of the TLG group met each other while gathered around the baggage carousel, playing a slow-paced traveler's Russian roulette (hoping that your gad is the next one to fall onto the conveyor belt).

**Side note: Coming in for the landing was amazing.  There was a thunderstorm off in the distance and with each flash you could see the outline of the mountains surrounding the city.  Where's the picture, you ask? Well, let's see your picture of lightening first.^^
Saturday felt like two days in one. The group got in at 4-5 AM, I was matched up with an awesome roommate (Julie^^), and we slept until 2 in the afternoon.  We got up, had lunch, grabbed another TLG volunteer (Max), and went into the city center by marshrutka (van).

View from the hotel front door:

Down in the center of the city and looking at the ridge line Max, Julie, and I were about to hike up to:

View from the top:

 Giant statue of King Tamar.  She's called "King" by the Georgian people due to the great respect they have for her and her accomplishments.

Grapes hanging over a doorway:

Lunch!  One khaachap'uri is enough for 3 people. So delicious!

Tbilisi at night.  

Dancing fountains with a light show: 

Tomorrow, we will start Georgian language classes and further orientation to the program.  I should find out where I will be placed and maybe information on what grade(s) I'll be teaching.



  1. Hey pretty lady! Looks like an amazing adventure so far, and you've barely been there, what- 24 hours?? And what a colorful landscape! How long will you be staying in Tbilisi?
    Next time I'm at the bevy, I'll definitely be looking for Georgian wine and toasting your health. Miss you already!

  2. I was in Tbilisi for 1 week of training. Unfortunately, the training ran from sun up to sun down, so I wasn't able to see much more of the city in the daytime. The Old Town was great for to have a relaxing glass of wine and sample some local dishes.

    Miss you, Lovely! Bisous xoxox

