Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Georgian Alphabet: Intro

With my departure only hours away, I am in a mad dash to try and cram what I can into 3 bags.  List of what ends up in my bags will be posted later.  Hopefully, it'll be a good base line for what should go into your bags.

Besides running errands, I've been trying to memorize the Georgian alphabet.  Now, I was hoping that having studied Russian, with its Cyrillic alphabet, might help me.  Turns out, it doesn't.  >_<  Shoot.

Here are the 33 letters:

Pretty, right?  Looking at a page written in Georgian still seems to play tricks on my eyes, but it's getting easier to recognize letters and write them out.

And, with two 12 hour layovers (!), I will have plenty of time to copy out all these letters again and again and mutter their pronunciations under my breath. I'll either sound like a crazy lady, or, if my ears are covered by my hair, a crazy lady with blue tooth.


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