Saturday, August 11, 2012

First steps toward Sakartvelo

გამარჯობა! Hello!

Hopefully by this time next month, I will be experiencing my first few days in the Republic of Georgia.
This will be the second country that I have lived in to teach English and home #6 (my passport has been getting well-stamped.).

I have talked with a few people who have done the Teach and Learn with Georgia (TLG) program and they have loved their time there.

I would like this blog to be a resource for others who are thinking about coming to this part of the world and for friends and family to keep up with what's going on.

You can apply directly to the TLG program, but I used a well-established recruiter (CCI (Center for Cultural Interchange): Greenheart Travel) to help with the process, specifically the criminal background check, which can be a long process.

I submitted my application and received an e-mail later the same day about setting up an interview over Skype.  I'm not sure how long it will take to hear back about acceptance into the program.  Hopefully, it will be soon, so I can start sorting and packing for my next adventure.



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